8. Rev. Royal Christopher Quarrels (1949 - 1952)

Under his leadership, the Birthday Rally was instituted. Physical improvements included: the repairing of the doors; purchase of blinds, electric fans, a heater and flower vases. The pulpit was repaired. Work also began on a vestibule. Rev. Quarles left in 1952, so the church was without a leader until September, 1953.

9. Rev. Walter Rollins Henderson (1953 - 1954)

hile serving as pastor, Rev. Henderson was a student at Virginia Union University. Under his leadership, the Deaconess Board was organized; an electric clock was installed; a new piano was purchased; the vestibule was completed and additional work was done on the pool. Rev. Henderson left the church in September, 1954 and the church was without a leader until October, 1955.

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