6. Rev. Junius Higgins Moody (1926 - 1932)

After Rev. Morris left, the Rev. Junius Higgins Moody of Smithfield, VA was called as pastor in April, 1926. He was ordained in his home church, the Hill Street Baptist Church of Smithfield. Rev. Moody was a student in the School of Theology at Virginia Union University.

Under his pastorate, physical improvements were made, including a baptismal pool in the yard, outside painting on the church, and the installation of a new pump. The church's spiritual life was enriched as well. Special services were held to provide food and monetary assistance to needy members.

Rev. Moody participated in the placing of a monument over the grave of the founder of Morning Star Baptist Church, the late Rev. J. C. Allen. After serving Morning Star for six years, Rev. Moody resigned in April, 1932.

7. Rev. Jacob Jesse Earl Horne (1933-1948)

In July, 1933, the Rev. Jacob Jesse Earl Horne of Richmond, VA took over as pastor. Under his pastorate, the Youth Church was organized in 1945. This group made concrete presentations to the church; among these were a set of youth hymnals, the U.S. and Christian Flags and the first systematized envelopes for dues. They paid the organist, contributed to the March of Dimes and presented several monetary pursues to the church. One set of spiritual service they performed was the visiting of and singing to the shut-ins, especially accompanying the deacons when they served communion.

Rev. Horne was a spirited vocalist and loved to play and sing gospel hymns and numbers. One of his favorite songs was "The Lord Will Make A Way Somehow". The physical accomplishments under Rev. Horne's pastorate include:

  • the painting of the inside and outside of the church;
  • the plastering of the inside;
  • the painting of the pews; and
  • the installation of electric lights and the covering of the building.

In 1948, Rev. Horne resigned as pastor.

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